Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Toronto.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
Social Commerce for Collectors. is social commerce for the 30M collectors spending $110B in North America (250M & $500B globally). Our site provides collectors with research tools, collection management, a socially accelerated marketplace and great community building tools. Our ...
Innovative Childrens Entertainment Playsmart Labs is a children's entertainment company focused on developing new "cross platform" play experiences, which combine the best aspects of both physical and digital play.
Better value for used videogames Game Related allows you to buy, sell and trade your pre-owned games with other gamers across Canada and for newly released games with our Game Related Plus service. With our 1-3 star system, you can trade in no more then 1-3 of your pre-owned games to get newly ...
video game develpoment for playdirect network 666 Number of a Man currently in development seeking backers for the game see our kickstarter account.:
Video Games Onion Studio is dedicated to creating mobile applications and video games that can entertain users and provide meaningful experiences. Mobile games -2D/3D video games on PC/Mobile (Android, iOS)/Consoles (Playstation Vita) Mobile Applications (Android/iOS) -Productivity -Health/Fitness
video & app streaming with loyalty program
An addictive virtual pet and the next biggest global brand. Bonzii is more then just a pocket pet. It has a strong gameplay loop that blends arcade style mini-games, with the addictiveness of evolving and collecting every new character. Bonzii's vision is to be a disneyland in your pocket. Where there's always something ...
Invite-only mailing list. We search the best weekend and long-haul flight deals so you can book before everyone else.
Coaching for Gamers (Esports) Chiron Gaming is a social platform for video game coaching and training. We help you connect with gaming coaches, training partners, and other players who share the same passion in video games and desire to train together. You are the coach, and you are also ...
Canadian indie game company seeking funding for a unique mobile game! We are creating an independent (indie) video game for the mobile market, specifically Android phones as well as iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). Our mission is to create an exciting new mobile game, which gamers of all ages will enjoy. However, in order to create ...
Low cost mobile development iSlack was my first entry into the mobile app market. While a simple game at best, it's more then served it's intended purpose. To prove I could get an app onto the global store with minimal investment. I'm now working on a much larger simulation / time management ...
Create, play and share games Create, play and share games in the web browser.
Augmented Reality Graffiti Virtual Graffiti App: RealitySplash An augmented reality app where you use your tablet or smartphone to leave grafitti on things (buildings, walls, bus stops) and leave them there for people to find. Leave text or graphics on your surroundings for other people ...
The referral community Invitation App is a social network where people post their referral codes and collect rewards on autopilot.
Helping autistic youth start a career in video games Every1Games is building a network of support helping autistic and neurodivergent youth develop the social, professional and technical skills required to succeed in life after high school while producing quality talent for the growing interactive digital media industry. ...
Create and participate in gaming tournaments NEWREZ is a platform that provides gamers all around the world, a wide range of gaming competitions for them to compete in and win prizes. NEWREZ also provides the necessary tools to keep track of gaming teams, scores, progress, sponsors, and other activities ...
Coworking for indie game, Web, and food startups. Bento Miso is a 5,000 sq. ft. members-only coworking space and event venue for independent Web developers, game developers, and food startups.
A competitive gaming platform We are building a competitive social gaming / eSports platform. A true backbone for hardcore gamers where they can play, compete, watch, and follow live gaming tournaments.
eSport viewing events in bars We create eSport viewing events around the globe. Instead of watching NFL, UFC or the World cup we're packing bars with thirsty gamers.
The PlayDirector app. for facebook,TV, phone & tablet. The PlayDirector is a loyalty playpoints based Games, Movies, Music, Advergames Streaming application. for facebook,PlayDirect.websites TV, phone & tablet.